
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First day of Kindergarten!!

Today is a very special day, not only did Derek start kindergarten today, but it is also his birthday! He was so excited this morning, he had a huge grin all morning. It is also my birthday today and the other day he said the cutest thing. He said how come we always celebrate my birthday on our birthday and not yours? How come we never have a party with cake and ice cream and presents for you? How cute huh! Anyways I am so proud of him!

At home before school

Derek found where he was suppose to sit and was excited to see what he had in his basket.

They had to put their name on the board of how old the were and Derek was the only 6 year old, he thought that was pretty neat. They also had name tags that they had to wear.


Anonymous said...
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leslie jo said...

So fun, that is sweet what he said about your bday. Happy Birthday by the way! Was it a good one?